Such work comes under the physical realm, not spiritual. Unable to recognize this truth, people think, ‘I came by walk, I walked so many miles’ etc. Even while you are walking, think that it is God who is making you walk since Divinity is present in a subtle form in every atom and cell in this Universe. Hence, whatever work you undertake, do it as an offering to God chanting the name ‘Ram’, ‘Ram’, ‘Ram’. On the other hand, if the various items are cooked with the attitude, ‘I am doing this job as a routine I am cooking these items for my family members to partake’, it does not reach God. The food becomes divine when it is offered to God. But the real taste comes only when the job of cooking is done as an offering to God. You add different ingredients to the items being cooked, in definite proportions and try to make them tasty. Take for example, the process of cooking. But, while attending to your duties in your own house or in the outside world, you must constantly remind yourself that “whatever I do, think or speak, everything belongs to God.” The proper attitude should be, ‘Sarva Karma Bhagavat Preetyartham’. If you wish to make good use of this power and derive lasting benefit out of it, you have to participate in Akhanda bhajan. Each one of the several names of God has one type of power specific to it. On the same analogy, doing Namasmarana and bhajan only in the morning and evening is like the second hand. Which one of these three hands is important? Undoubtedly, the hour hand is important. When the minute hand crosses sixty spaces, the hour hand moves forward by one space. When the second hand crosses sixty spaces, the minute hand moves forward by one space. The second hand is the longest the minute hand is slightly shorter and the hour hand is the shortest of the three.

There are three hands in the clock, namely, the second hand, the minute hand and the hour hand. It is “Sarvada Sarvakaleshu Sarvathra Harichintanam.” Suppose you are watching a clock. It is constant contemplation on God during all the three states - the waking, dream and deep sleep. On the other hand, Akhanda Bhajan involves constant contemplation on God in the morning, evening or even during the night time. Khanda Bhajan is for a specific time, for example, the Bhajans held for a limited period either in the morning or evening. There are two kinds of Bhajans - one is Khanda Bhajan and the other, Akhanda Bhajan. One has to understand what is meant by “Akhanda Bhajan”.